Friday, September 4, 2009

I love my camera. Its a Canon S3-IS. And I know that they say that a good camera can still only do so much... but really I think that picture is pretty darn nifty. And all I had to do was put it on the right setting and whalla (or is it walla? I never cared before). It had been out of service for awhile because I didn't want to do too much when its lens cap was missing. However, new lens cap arrived yesterday and my friend is back in order. So I am playing with it again just like its a brand new toy. What does this have to do with cooking? Not so much. It kind of means I can take photos of my food I guess. Which I wanted to do for my own little recipe program. We'll see if any become worthy of being posted. Tonight is leftovers.

However, as much as this is about me starting out as a beginning learn it as you go cook, I like the idea of being able to include my other first time homeowner stories as well. Well okay, right now I just sort of want to brag. No more bees!!! They're gone. All gone. And not a single one chased me. I cut the vines away from the nest yesterday day, and then last night soaked it with two cans of bee killer stuff. And now not a single bee has come out of their little hole. Paranoid that I was just missing them I stuck a stick down inside to stir them up and still nothing! Ding dong, the wicked bees are dead! So now I can get back to getting all the weeds out of my ivy. Bah. But hey, at least my zinnias are looking pretty. By the way, all zinnias were purchased off of Lowe's 50% off carts. Of course, so were the petunias that are now dead. And the marigolds that have since died, but the zinnias and the salvia (obviously not pictured) are alive and well.

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